We’re excited to welcome you in July.

As you have recently been made aware, United of Omaha Life Insurance Company and Companion Life Insurance Company, collectively (“Mutual of Omaha”), will transition their defined contribution retirement recordkeeping business to Ascensus as the successor service provider to your plan. As a result, your plan will move to the Ascensus product and have investment changes on July 1, 2024. You can expect a smooth transition with minimal action required. Refer to this site to view your timeline, additional resources, and any steps you may need to take before the move.

Take a look at what's coming


April 1: Email about important documents to review

Changes are coming to your plan and important documents are posted to your plan website. Review and keep copies for your records.

  • Log in to your plan website
  • Go to the News & Communications section to access the documents

May 16: Email about required participant notices to distribute

Deliver important plan notices to your participants by May 28.

  • Log in to your plan website
  • Go to the News & Communications section to access the documents
    • Combined Participant Notice June 2024

June 18: Email about quiet period and plan contacts

A quiet period will occur while your plan moves to the Ascensus product on July 1. Please refer to the email we sent to you on May 16, which includes information about the quiet period. New plan contact information is available.

  • Keep the Plan Reference Sheet with your records
  • Download the flyer and deliver to plan participants

June 27-July 2: Quiet period for all transactions

The quiet period will begin on Thursday, June 27 at about 4:00 p.m. ET and will end on Tuesday, July 2 at about 2:00 p.m. ET. During this time participants cannot direct or diversify investments, obtain a loan from the plan (if allowed), or obtain a distribution from the plan.

We will notify you when the quiet period has ended and provide details for accessing your new plan website.


July 2: Email that your plan has transitioned

The transition is complete, and you can access your plan.

Log in with your current username and password. Below are your plan’s new login URLs. Please update any bookmarks you may have saved and remind participants of their new login URL.

Usernames and passwords will not change for you and your participants.

July 16: Email about Ascensus invoicing post-transition

Read about how and when you will be invoiced by Ascensus.

Mid July: Email about new Opinion Letter (if applicable)

For full service 401(k) plans only. Review and keep a copy for your records.

  • Log in to your plan website
  • Go to the News & Communications section to access the Opinion Letter

Important Documents

As the transition approaches, you’ll receive more detailed information, but for now, please review the following:

Plan Enhancements

All plans will receive Ascensus’ comprehensive financial wellness solution, Financial Finesse.

Financial Finesse

If you do not currently have 3(16) services, you can reduce your fiduciary risk and administrative burden with Ascensus' 3(16) Administrative Fiduciary Services.

3(16) Administrative Fiduciary Services